WARNING: NEVER attempt to clean chute
or make any adjustments or repairs while
the engine is running.
Shave plate
• To check the adjustment of the shave plate, place
the unit on a level surface. See Figure 12. The
wheels, shave plate and augers should all contact
the level surface. Note that if the shave plate is
adjusted too high, snow may blow under the
housing. If the shave plate wears excessively, or
the unit will not self-propel, the shave plate may be
adjusted too low.
NOTE: On new units or units with a new shave plate
installed, the augers may be slightly off the ground.
Figure 12
• To adjust, tip the snow thrower back so that it rests
on the handle. Loosen the lock nuts and bolts
which secure the shave plate to the housing. See
Figure 13. Move the shave plate to desired
position and retighten the nuts and bolts. Make
certain all nuts and bolts are tightened securely.
Figure 13
Belt tension
Periodic adjustment of the belt tension may be
required due to normal stretch and wear on the belt. If
the augers seem to hesitate while turning although
engine maintains the same speed, adjust the belt
tension following instructions below.
• The upper hole in the control handle provides
adjustment for belt tension. To adjust, disconnect
the “Z” end of control cable from the bottom hole in
the control handle. See Figure 14 . Hook the cable
into the upper hole in the control handle as shown.
Figure 14
If additional adjustment is required, adjust the other
end of the control cable at the idler bracket as
described below.
• Remove the belt cover by removing five hex
screws that hold it in place. See Figure 16.
• There are three adjustment holes provided in the
idler bracket assembly. See Figure 15. To adjust,
move the extension spring on the end of the clutch
cable to the next higher adjustment position on the
idler bracket assembly. Reassemble belt cover.
Figure 15
Shave Plate
Nuts & Bolts
Spring on
end of clutch
High Position
Middle Position
Low Position