WARNING: When using gardening
appliances, basic safety precautions s hould a l-
ways be followed to reduce the risk of fire and
serious injury. Read and follow all instructions.
This power unit can be dangerous! Operator is
responsible for following i nstructions and warn-
ings on unit and in manual. Read entire instruc-
tion manual before using unit! Be thoroughly fa-
miliar with the controls and the proper use of the
unit. Restrict the use of this uni t to persons who
read, understand, and follow instructions and
warnings on unit and in manual. Never allow
children to operate this unit.
DANGER: Never u se blad es,wire, or
flailing dev ices. This unit is designed for line
trimmer use only. Use of any ot her accessories
or attachments will increase the risk of injury.
WARNING: T rimmer line throws ob-
jects violently.You and others can beblinded/
injured. Wear safety glasses and leg protec-
tion. Keep body parts clear of rotating line.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals 15 me-
ters away. If approached stop unit immediately .
If situations occur which are not covered in
this manual, use care and good judgement. If
youneedassistance,contact yourauthorized
service dealer.
WARNING: This m achine produces
anelectromagnetic fieldduring o peration.Under
some circumstances, this f ield may interfere
with active or passive medical implants. To re-
ducethe ri sk o f seri ousor fatalinj ury , w erecom-
mend persons with medical implants to consult
their physician and the medical implant
manufacturer before operating this machine.
S Dress properly. Always wear safety
glasses o r similar eye protection when op-
erating, or performing maintenance, on
your unit (safety glasses are available).
Eye protection should be m arked Z87.
S Always wear face ordust m a sk if o pe ration
is dusty .
S Always wear heavy, long pants, long
sleeves,boots,andgloves. Wearingsafety
leg guards is recommended.
S Always wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals. Stay clear of
spinning line.
S Secure hairabove shoulderlength. Secure
or remove loose clothing or clothing with
loosely hanging ties, straps, tassels, etc.
They can be caught in m oving parts.
S Being fully covered also helps protect you
from debris and pieces of toxic plants
thrown by spinning line.
S Stay Alert. Do not operate this unit when you
are tired, ill, upset orunder theinfluence of al-
cohol, drugs, or medication. Watch what you
are doing; use common sense.
S Wear hearing protection.
S Mufflers fitted with catalytic converters get
very hot durin g use an d remain so for some
time af ter stopping. Th is also applies at idle
speed. Contact can result in burns to theskin.
Remember the risk of fire!
S Mufflers fitted with catalytic converters get
very hot durin g use an d remain so for some
time af ter stopping. Th is also applies at idle
speed. Contact can result in burns to theskin.
Remember the risk of fire!
S Never start or run inside a closed room or
building. Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
S Keep handles free of oil and fuel.
S Disconnect the spark plug before performing
maintenance except carburetor adjustments.
S Look for and replace damaged or loose
parts before each use. Look for and repair
fuelleaks beforeuse.Keepin goodworking
S Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in
any other way before using the unit.
S Maintain unitaccording torecommended pro-
cedures. Keep cutting line at proper length.
S Use only 2 m m diameter McCulloch brand
line. Never use wire, rope, string, etc.
S Install requir edshield properly beforeusing
the unit. Use only specified trimmer head;
make sure it is properly installed and se-
curely fastened.
S Make sure unit is assembled correctly as
shown in t his manual.
S Make carburetor adjustments with lower
end supported toprevent linefromcontact-
ing any object.
S Keepothers away when makingcarburetor