A formed, upper moldboard edge increases rigidity. Moldboard thickness is 3/16-inch
for RB2060, and 1/4-inch for RB2072 and RB2084.
New 20 Series Rear Blades are designed and built for fine,
precision grading and leveling. Choose from 60-, 72-, and 84-inch
working widths. Manually adjustable tilt and angle make it easy
to match a wide range of conditions and leveling needs. For
increased versatility, the RB2072 and RB2084 are equipped with
12-inch manual offset left and right.
Heavy-duty, concave
back plate with formed
upper edge provides
added rigiditiy and
strength for trouble-
free performance.
Cutting edges are
positioned 3/4 inch
below end plates to
ensure precise leveling
and a fine finish.
Perfect grades start with rugged, new Frontier Blades
Shape. Level. Grade. You can do it
faster, easier, and more precisely with
job-site-tested Frontier Box Blades.
Available in 48-, 60-, 66-, and 72-
inch widths, new 20 Series box blades
are exclusively designed for your
John Deere tractor. These rugged
blades feature a heavy-duty mast
constructed of thick, 3/8-inch plate
steel for extra rigidity and strength.
End plates have a formed, top edge
for extra muscle...no need for gussets.
Check out the 3/8- x 1-inch strap
inside the scarifier tube. It provides
reinforcement, shank support, and
prevents premature wearing on the
Choose from three scarifier depth
adjustments to meet a variety of
ground conditions.
Adjustments are easy!
Simply remove the
steel pin, and raise or
lower the scarifier to
increase or decrease
ground penetration.
Scarifier shanks can
be stored on the
scarifier beam when
using the box blade
for other tasks.
A heavy, welded mast
and 4 x 4-inch tubular
steel frame deliver
added strength and
Operator’s manual
container concealed
within mast for added
End plates are formed
along top edge for
structural strength.
Operator’s manual
container provides
weather protection.
iMatch Quick-Attach
Hitch System
Frontier 20 Series Box Blades and
Rear Blades are compatible with
the iMatch ASAE Category I quick-
attach hitch system. This innova-
tive and affordable device converts
a 3-point hitch to fixed hooks and
attaching points, which allows for
easy connection.
The iMatch system is a welcome
alternative to the sometimes
challenging and awkward task
of lining up 3-point hitch
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