
6.5.13. Set Language
Select hand controller display language in English or French.
6.6. Align
This function is used for align the telescope. Before star alignment, please make sure
the mount is well leveled. The system also provides “One Star Align” and “Two Star Align”. Any
one can be selected for telescope alignment.
6.6.1. One Star Align
From the main menu, select “Align”. Select “One Star Align” and press ENTER. Three
most popular objects, such as Moon, a planet or a bright star that are above the horizon will be
provided for selection. Use or button to select an alignment star and press ENTER. Then
manually slew the telescope to the object and center the object in your eyepiece using
or key. Press SPEED button to adjust the slew speed. Then press ENTER to complete the
alignment. Or press the BACK key to cancel the process.
If you have a very good initial setup, one star alignment should be sufficient for good
GOTO accuracy. To increase the accuracy you may choose to do two star alignment.
6.6.2. Two Star Alignment
Two star alignment will increase the GOTO accuracy of the mount. It is suggested to do
two star alignment after one star alignment. Two star alignment requires a wider view of the sky,
since the two align stars need to be far apart. Select “Two Star Align” in the Align menu. When
you finish the first star, the system will prompt you to choose the second star. If the star you
choose is too close to the first one, the system will let you choose another one. When you are
aligned with the second star, two star alignment is finished. You can reject the suggested star if
it is blocked by the tree or behind the house.
“Two Star Align” result will be overridden if “One Star Align” or “Sync. to Target” is
performed after “Two Star Align.”
6.6.3. Three-Star Align
6.6.4. Dis R.A axis error
This only works for EQ mode. This displays the pointing error between the R.A. axis and
the polar axis. When the HC shows, for example:
7.5" lower
4.3" east,