Eaui~ment needed
The proper-clothing and equipment (as shown) protect you from
many potential hazards such as lacerations, thrown objects, and
hearing loss.
Always wear:
● safety helmet
ear protection
● visor or goggles
● heavy-duty non-slip gloves
● safety pants or chaps
● boots with steel toe caps and no-slip soles
First aid kit
A first aid kit approved by the Red Cross or an organization of
similar stature should always be carried in case of injury in the
field. A kit should contain large dressings for lacerations, splints
and slings for fractures, antiseptic and other optional items for
your safety and convenience such as insect repellent.
Forestry tools
Wedge– You should carry at least one non-metal wedge to help
“emovea stuck saw safely.
Axe – Useful for trimming and clearing work that is hazardous or
,Iot recommended for a chain saw.
Felling iever and hook - The felling lever is used to assist in
feiling a tree, and the hook can be used to move a felied tree.