Turn the adjusting screw to move adjust-
ing pin to the back. Further adjustment
may be necessary as you mount the bar.
Mount the bar as illustrated.
Slide the bar toward the back.
Use the illustration of the chain to deter-
mine the proper direction.
Place the chain onto the sprocket located
behind the clutch drum.
Start at the top of the bar and fit chain into
around the guide bar.
ull the bar foward until the chain is snug
in the groove of the bar.
Hold guide baragainstthe saw frame and
install the bar clamp. Make sure the ad-
pin is aligned with the hole in the
bar. 8
emember this pin moves the bar
forward and backward to adjust chain
Replace the bar clamp nuts and tighten
finger tight Once the chain is tensioned
you will need to tighten bar clamp nuts.
Mount the Bar
Tp of Bar
Proper chain direction
If chain is too tight, turn ad&sting
screw l/4 turn countercloc
If chain is too loose, turn adjusting
sorew l/4 turn clookwise.
l UftupthetipofthebatandtigMenthebar
clamp nuts with the combination screw-
l Recheck chain tension.
3 :
Chain moves freely
Lifts only l/8 of an inch from bar.
Turn to decrease chain tension
Place chain onto the sprocket
CHAIN TENSION (Including unitswith
chain already installed)
NOTE When adjusting chain tension,
make sure the bar nuts are finger tight Only.
Attempting to tension the chain when the
bar nuts are tight will cause damage.
Checking the tension:
Move chain around the bar. If the chain does
not rotate, it is too tight. If too loose, the
chain will sag below the bar.
Adjusting the tension:
Chain tension is ve
important. Chain
stretches durin
use. XI
is is especially true
during the first ew times you use your saw.
Always check chain tension each time you
use and refuel your saw.
You can adjust the chain tension by loosen-
ing the bar clamp nuts and turnjn.9 the ad-
jgeti;jrscrew l/4 of a turn while Irftrng up on
in6 is *certified to operate. on
gasobne. Before operatron,
asoiine must be mixed with a good qt.&$
-cycle aircoded engine oil.
oil. If you
air-cooled oil designed to be mixed ata.ratio
of32:l (A32:l ratroisobtainedbymuun 4
ounces of oil with each gallon of unlea
gasoline). When mixing fuel follow the
instructions printed on the container. Alwa
read and follow the safety rules
un er
uHandle Fuel with Caution’.
The bar and chain require oontinuws lubrf-
cation. Lubrication is provided by the auk+
matic oiler system when the oil tank is kept
filled. Lack of oil will quickly ruin the bar and
chain. Too little oil will cause overheating
shown by smoke coming from the chain
and/or discoloration of the bar.
In freezing weather oil will thicken, making it
necessary to thin bar and chain oil with a
small amount (Sto 1096) of #l Diesel Fuel or
kerosene. Bar and chain oil must be free
Husqvama bar and chain oil is formulated to
protect your unit against excessive wear