GGeenneerraacc GGNN--332200//336600//441100 EEnnggiinnee
— 12 —
After the first 50 hours of operation, retorque the head bolts.
NOTE: Only perform this adjustment after the first 50 hours of
operation. The head bolts will need no further adjustment.
1. Remove the four (4) screws from the rocker cover
(see Figure 10).
2. Remove the rocker cover and rocker cover gasket.
3. Torque the bolts to 6.9 kg-m. (44 ft-lb).
4. Torque the bolts in the following sequence: A, B, C, D, (star
pattern). See Figure 12.
Figure 12 — Tightening Sequence
Every 8 Hours or 25 Hours or Every 50 Hours or Every 100 Hours or Every
MAINTENANCE OPERATION or Daily Season Season Season
Check Oil Level X
Change Oil See Note 1
Change Oil Filter (if so equipped) See Note 1
Service Air Filter Foam Pre-Filter Paper Filter (Note 2)
Replace or Clean Spark Plug X
Clean Spark Arrestor Screen X
Adjust Valve Clearance X
Retorque Head Bolts See Note 3
NOTE 1: Change oil and filter after first 8 hours of operation and then every 50 hours thereafter. Change sooner when operating under heavy load or
in dusty or dirty environment or in high ambient temperature.
NOTE 2: Clean more often when operating under dirty or dusty conditions.
NOTE 3: Perform this task ONLY after first 50 hours of operation. Head bolts will NOT need further retorquing.