14- ENG
Risk of unsafe
operation. If engine
does not start after two pulls,
squeeze trigger of gun to relieve
pump pressure. Pull starter cord
slowly until resistance is felt. Then
pull cord rapidly to avoid kickback
and prevent hand or arm injury.
11. Depress trigger on gun to start
water fl ow.
Risk of unsafe
operation. Stand on
a stable surface and grip gun/spray
wand fi rmly with both hands. Expect
the gun to kick when triggered.
12. Release trigger to stop water
fl ow.
Risk of injury from
spray. Always
engage the trigger lock when gun
is not in use. Failure to do so could
cause accidental spraying.
Trigger Lock Engaged
13. Adjust nozzle spray for the task
being performed. See How To Use
Wand instructions in this section.
1. After each use, if you have applied
chemicals, place chemical hose
into container of clean water and
draw clean water through chemical
injection system to rinse system
Risk of property
damage. Failure
to do so could cause damage to the
2. Turn engine off. See Engine
Owner’s Manual.
Risk of property
damage. NEVER
turn the water off with the engine
3. Turn water source off.
4. Pull trigger on spray gun to relieve
any water pressure in hose or spray
5. See Storage section in this manual
for proper storage procedures.