Echo PPT-265H Pole Saw User Manual

Po w e r Pr u n e r
oP e r a T o r 's Ma n u a l
Chain and guide bar gauge size must be identical. Use Bar/Chain combinations shown in table above.
PPT-265 Power Pruner B&C Combinations
Bar P/N Chain P/N Chain Type Links Pitch Gauge
12" Regular Bar
P/N 12AOCD3744 M91VX44G 91 44 3/8" .050
10" Regular Bar
P/N 10AOCD3739 M91VX39G 91 39 3/8" .050
14" Regular Bar
P/N 14AOCD3749 M91VX49G 91 49 3/8" .050
Narrow Kerf
10" Narrow Bar P/N
10A4CD3739 90SG39G 90 39 3/8" .043
12" Narrow Bar P/N
12A4CD3744 90SG44G 90 44 3/8" .043
14" Narrow Bar P/N
14A4CD3749 90SG49G 90 49 3/8" .043