CROWN CLEANING - The removal of dead, dying,
diseased, crowded, weakly attached branches from the
tree’s crown.
CROWN REDUCTION - The reduction of the top, sides, or
individual limbs by the means of removal of the leader or
longest portion of a limb.
CROWN THINNING - The selective removal of branches
to increase light penetration and air movement, and to
reduce weight.
CUT - The exposed wood area resulting from the removal
of a branch or a portion of it.
CUTTING SHOE - The lower front of the guide bar cover
used as a work stop and/or pivot point when sawing the
blade into the wood.
DECAY - Degradation of woody tissue caused by biologi-
cal organisms.
FACE MASK - A mask to shield the face from flying
objects. Face masks alone do not provide adequate
protection for your eyes. Eye protection goggles or
glasses meeting ANSI Standard Z87.1 must be worn
underneath the face mask. See GOGGLES/GLASSES
FACE SHIELD - A device worn in front of the eyes and a
portion of, or all of, the face to supplement eye protection.
A face shield alone does not provide adequate protection
for your eyes. Eye protection goggles or glasses meeting
ANSI Standard Z87.1 or CE Standard must be worn
underneath the face mask. See GOGGLES/GLASSES
FACILITY - Equipment or structure used to deliver or
provide protection for the delivery of an essential service
such as electricity.
FOLLOW THROUGH - After the saw completes a cut and
is no longer supported by the wood, the bar and chain can
continue on its path and strike the legs, feet or body of the
operator or helper.
GOGGLES/GLASSES - A device covering the eyes and
sockets, having impact-resistant lenses. Such goggles/
glasses must meet the ANSI Z87.1 or CE Standard. “Z87”
or “CE” is stamped on approved goggles/glasses.
GUIDE BAR - The railed structure that supports and
guides the saw chain.
HEARING PROTECTION DEVICES - These are ear-muff or
plug-type devices worn to reduce exposure to harmful
noises while permitting an operator to hear certain sounds.
HOT STICK – Is a non conductive insulated pole used by
electric utilities in moving live downed power lines.
Cleaning material designed with “hot stick” is certified for
cleaning dielectric tools.
JAMMING - The restriction of the motion of the saw chain
or blade while the engine is running due to an excessive
cutting load or pinching as the cut closes against the
guide bar and saw chain. This can occur when attempting
to cut branches or stems with an excessive feed rate to the
KICKBACK – This describes two highly dangerous
reactions that can occur. When used alone in this manual,
the term “kickback” refers to rotational kickback. Kickback
can occur if the unshielded guide bar nose touches an
object or the ground.
• ROTATIONAL KICKBACK - The violent reaction that
can occur when the saw chain at the upper section of
the nose is suddenly stopped or impeded, thereby
dangerously driving the guide bar nose in an upward
arc toward the operator.
• LINEAR KICKBACK - A push reaction, which can
occur under certain conditions when the guide bar is
buried in a cut and the cut closes, pinching the saw
chain along the top rails of the guide bar and propelling
the saw straight back toward the operator.
LEADER - A dominant upright stem, usually the main
trunk. There can be several leaders in one tree.
LIMB - Same as branch, but larger and more prominent.
OBSTRUCTING - To hinder, block, close off, or be in the
way of; to hinder or retard a desired effect or shape.
PARENT BRANCH OR STEM - The tree trunk; or a large
limb from which lateral branches grow.
PINCH - Specifically the closing-in of the wood which
pinches and stops the saw chain along the top rails of the
guide bar during a cut. This can result in the saw being
propelled straight back toward the operator (called a Linear
Kickback). Pinch can also occur on the lower rails of the
guide bar, resulting in the saw being pulled away from the