Copyright© 2010 By Echo, Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
In t r o d u c t I o n
Welcome to the ECHO family. This ECHO product was designed and manufactured to provide long life and on-the-
job-dependability. Read and understand this manual. You will nd it easy to use and full of helpful operating tips and
SAFETY messages.
t h e o p e r a t o r 's m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe
place for future reference. It contains specications and information for
operation and maintenance specic to the attachment.
ta b l e o f co n t e n t s
Introduction ................................................................2
- The Operator's Manual .......................................2
Safety .........................................................................3
- Manual Safety Symbols and Important
Information .........................................................3
- International Symbols .........................................3
- Personal Condition and Safety Equipment .........4
- Equipment ...........................................................6
Description .................................................................7
Contents .....................................................................8
- Power Head Shaft / Lower Shaft Assembly .......8
Operation ....................................................................9
- Operating Blower ................................................9
Maintenance .............................................................10
- Skill Levels .......................................................10
- Maintenance Intervals .......................................10
Storage ..................................................................... 11
Specications ........................................................... 11
Servicing Information ..............................................12
- Parts/Serial Number ..........................................12
- Service ..............................................................12
- ECHO Consumer Product Support ...................12
- Warranty Card ...................................................12
- Additional or Replacement Manuals ................12
Specications, descriptions and illustrative material in this lit-
erature are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but
are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include
optional equipment and accessories, and may not include all
standard equipment.