Page 24
Stop engine, remove ignition key and spark plugs for safety. Wear heavy,
thick gloves when holding onto cutter blade, avoid the sharp
edge of the blade.
Check sharpness of mower blades after every 10 hours of operation. To sharpen
blades, proceed as follows.
A. Remove bolt, lock washer, and large flat washer mounting blade on shaft.
Remove blade.
B. Blades should be discarded when worn excessively.
C. Sharpen blade with a hand file, electric grinder or blade sharpener. Wear gloves
and eye protection when sharpening. Grind blade at original 25 degree bevel.
D. Check balance of blade by positioning the blade on a nail or blade balance
pedestal. Grind the blade on the end that is heavier until both sides balance.
E. Install blade, flat washer, lock washer and bolt. Make sure to tighten bolt to 60
ft. lbs.
25 Degrees
When notch starts
discard blade
The main hydro drive belt should be checked after the first 20 hours and every 50
hours thereafter. Replace any belts found to be in poor condition. The deck belt is
equipped with a spring loaded belt tightener and does not require tightening
adjustments. The hydrostatic transmission belt is adjusted manually (see page 27 for
tensioning instructions).