Problem Cause
The engine seems weak. Clogged air lter.•
Fouled spark plugs.•
Carburetor incorrectly adjusted.•
The engine overheats. Clogged air intake or cooling ns.•
Engine overloaded.•
Poor ventilation around engine.•
Defective engine speed regulator.•
Soot in the combustion chamber.•
Too little or no oil in the engine.•
Fouled spark plug.•
Battery not charging. Poor contact with battery terminal cable •
The machine moves slowly, unevenly, or not at all. Parking brake on.•
Hydraulic pump bypass linkage engaged.•
Drive belt for the transmission gears slack or has •
come off.
Defective hydraulic system.•
Air in hydraulic system.•
Mower deck not engaging. Drive belt for the mower deck has come loose.•
Contact for the electromagnetic coupling has •
Blade switch is faulty or has come loose, from the •
cable contact.
Fuse has blown.•
Uneven mowing results. Different air pressure in the tires on left and right •
Bent blades.•
Suspension for the mower deck is uneven.•
Blades are dull.•
Driving speed too high.•
Grass is too long.•
Grass collected under the mower deck.•
The machine vibrates. Blades are loose.•
Blades are incorrectly balanced.•
Engine is loose.•