Troubleshooting Guide
This section provides a list of the more frequently encountered malfunctions, their causes and corrective actions. The
operator or maintenance personnel can perform some corrective actions, and others may require the assistance of a qualified FNA technician
or your dealer.
Problem Code
Engine will not start ........................................................................................................1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 36
(refer to the engine's instruction manual for further engine troubleshooting)
No or low pressure (initial use) ........................................................................................9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Will not draw chemicals ..................................................................................................16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
No or low pressure (after period of normal use) ..............................................................22, 23, 24
Water leaking at gun/spray wand connection .................................................................25, 26
Water leaking at pump ....................................................................................................25, 26, 27, 28
Oil leaking at pump .........................................................................................................29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
Pump Pulsates ................................................................................................................12
Troubleshooting Codes
1 No fuel. Add fuel.
2 Low oil. Add required amount of oil.
3 Pressure builds up after two pulls on the recoil starter or after
initial use.
Squeeze gun trigger to relieve pres sure.
4 Choke lever in the NO CHOKE position. Move choke to the CHOKE po si tion.
5 Spark plug wire not attached. Attach spark plug wire.
6 Engine ON/OFF switch in OFF po si tion. Place engine ON/OFF switch in ON position.
7 Choke lever in the CHOKE position on a hot engine or an engine
that has been exposed to thermal heat for a long period of time.
Move choke to the NO CHOKE po si tion.
8 Fuel valve CLOSED. Move the fuel valve lever to the OPEN position.
9 Spray wand not in high pressure. See Spray Wand Nozzles under Operation.