A hobby metal detector is intended for locating buried metal objects. When
searching for metals, underground or on the surface, you have the following
challenges and objectives:
1. Ignoring signals caused by ground minerals.
2. Ignoring signals caused by metal objects that you do not want to find,
like pull-tabs.
3. Identifying a buried metal object before you dig it up.
4. Estimating the size and depth of objects, to facilitate digging them up.
5. Eliminating the effects of electromagnetic interference from other
electronic devices.
Your Delta metal detector is designed with these things in mind.
1. Ground Minerals
All soils contain minerals. Signals from ground minerals can interfere with
the signals from metal objects you want to find. All soils differ, and can
differ greatly, in the type and amount of ground minerals present. The Delta
has a preset gound eliimination setting. No user adjustment are required.
2. Trash
If searching for coins, which will induce higher tone sounds, you want to
ignore items like aluminum foil, nails, and pull-tabs. These undesirable
items induce lower tones. You can listen to the sounds of all objects
detected, and decide on what you want to dig up. Or you can eliminate
unwanted metals from detection by using the DISCRIMINATION feature.
3. Identifying Buried Objects
When searching in the DISCRIMINATION mode, different objects induce
different tones (high, medium, low) and are classified on the display screen
in different categories from left to right. A 2-digit numerical reading is also
provided in the middle of the display for more precise target identification.
The DISCRIMINATION mode requires motion: sweep the coil over the
metal object.