Craftsman 917.273648 Lawn Mower User Manual

Be sure the area is clear of other people
before mowing.Stop machineif anyone
enters the area.
Nevercarry passengersor children
evenwiththe bladesoff.
Do not mow in reverseunlessabso-
lutely necessary.Alwayslook down and
behind beforeandwhile backing.
Nevercarry children.Theymayfall off
and be seriously injuredor interferewith
safe machineoperation.
Keepchildrenout of the mowingarea
and underthe watchfulcare of another
Be alert and turn machineoff if children
enter the area.
Beforeandwhen backing,look behind
and downfor small children.
Mowup and downslopes (15° Max), not
Removeobstaclessuch as rocks,tree
Watchfor holes, ruts, or bumps.Uneven
terrain couldoverturnthe machine.Tall
grass can hideobstacles.
Use slowspeed.Choosea low gear
so that you will nothaveto stopor shift
while on the slope.
Avoidstarting or stopping ona slope. If
tires lose traction,disengagethe blades
and proceedslowlystraightdownthe
If machinestopswhile going uphill,
disengageblades,shift into reverseand
backdown slowly.
Do not turn on slopesunlessnecessary,
and then, turn slowlyand gradually
downhill,if possible.