eo Move Choke to "_". Figure 1L
£ PullStar_erRope sharplyuntilengineruns,
but no more than 5 pulls.
_Q__Ir_ e has not started after 5 pulls, re-
peat steps a through =f."
g. Allow engine to run for 5 seconds, then move
-' Choke to _OFF" posRion. Release Throttle
Lock by squeezing and releasing the Throttle
_Ifengine dies with Choke at "OFF _ posi-
,tion, repe_tsteps"e" through"g," If engine does
not operate proper_ refer to "Carburetor Adjust-
h. To stop engine, move ignition Switch to"OFF"
position. Figure 1!.
3. For a Warm Engine:
a. Move the Ignition Switch to the_ON" position.
Figure 11.
b. Move Choke Lever to the "HALF" position.
Figure Ii.
c. Engage ThrottleLock. Figure U ._set).
/_-ove throttle lockengagedthinstep d."
d, PulI Stair,Rope sharplyuntil engine runs,
but no m_6_ _han_ pRlls.
..e. Mo-¢e Choke to "OFF". Figure !L
f, Release Throttle Lockby squeezing and re]eas-
ingthe Throttle Trigger. Figure 11.
If engine does not run a!_er 5 pulls, it is
•.",':_: probably flooded. Wait a few minutes and repeat
....._.; procedure with Choke at "OFF" position.
g. To stop engine, move Ignition Switch to
• _OFF" position.Figure11.
Figexe 10
ignition Switch
Figure 11
i . i __
'-" Poor engine performauce _ be a result of
- .other causes such as dirty mr filter_ carbon
build-up on muller outlets, etc. See
w_couble Shooting Chart _ befoi-e proceed-
'lag with carburetor adjustments.
•e The carburetor has been carefully adjusted
at the faetor_ Due to changes in altitude and op-
...ex_tin_ condi_'9_your carbttr_tormay. require
'- _;: tow thepreeedurdbelow.
a. Use fresh fuel roll See the _TueIing Your
Engine" sec_on.
b. Turn MixtureScrew (Figure 12) clockwise
untilfullyclosed; but do notoverLighten;
Figure 12_Turn mixture screw one full
c_ Turn Idle Speed Screw (Figure12)dock-
_t stops.Do NOT overtlghten.
Turn:_- three ful! turnscounterclock-
Filt_ Cover .,-
[CAIYrION: l The _ setting is a hlgbIy criti.
ca[ adjustment. If set .memu_et_, permanent dam-
age will occur to the engine. Dp._ot operate engine
•at full throttle for proldnge_l pe_ods While roaring
the _ a_ent_ The final mixture screw
setting s jh_uld be in,thePange of314,._-1/4
open. , _ ....... _. _'_. =_ "
a. Starttheengineandruntheunltfor10-15
minutestowarm up engine.
b. Allow the engine to return to idle speed.
_jusHd___unUi _ e_pe
idlesasslowlyaspossiblewithout stalling.._
• -- Tam screwclock__ne_a_s:..' ':_<_ _: "_
_e de._n.
_. Accelerate engine to full throttle.
b. Turn the MiXture Screw slowly clockwise
un/_ the engine speed_sreduced, Note posi-
c. Tam thescrewslowlycounterclockwise.Stop
when theenginejustbeginstorun.ro_.lyr
d. Tam the screw slowly the minim_ _
amount clockwise until the engine r_fi_
smoothly.' .