Know Your Lawn Utility Vehicle
The Lawn Utility Vehicle is meant tobe usedas both a ridinglawn mower and a utilitycart. Itsgrass collectorcan be
easily removed to expose the utility bed. Compare the illustrationsin Figure 7 with your lawn utilityvehicle to learn
about the location and features of itsvadous controls.
,_ WARNING: The operation of any riding mower can resultinforeign objects being thrown into theoperator's eyes, causing severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses while operating the mower, or
3erforming any adjustments or repairs on it.
_Gual't:l :uelTank
Muffler RII/Dlpstick
Deck Lift Lever
This lever islocated on the left
fender ofthe vehicle and adjacent to
the shift lever. It is used to change
the height ofthe cutting deck. Move
the lever to the rightand slide itto
the position desired. Make sure it is
firmlyplaced in the notch intended.
Follow the label on the unit
indicating the cuffing height
Figure 7
Drive Pedal
The drive pedal is located on the
rightfrontside ofthe unitadjacent to
the brake pedal. Ground speed is
controlledby depressing this pedal
-- the further down the pedal is
depressed, the faster the vehicle will
move. The pedal returns to its
originalposition when not
depressed. Forfurther details, see
next section.