10 • Assembling Your CM-1100
The telescope attaches to the mount via a dovetail slide bar which is mounted
along the bottom of the telescope. Before you attach the optical tube, make
sure that the declination and right ascension clutch knobs are tight. This will
ensure that the mount does not move suddenly while attaching the telescope.
To mount the telescope tube:
1 Loosen the knobs on the side of the telescope mounting platform. This
allows you to slide the dovetail bar on the telescope onto the mount.
2 Slide the dovetail bar on the telescope tube into the mounting platform of
the mount. Slide the telescope so that the back of the dovetail bar is
almost flush with the back of the mounting platform.
3 Tighten the locking knobs on the side of the mounting platform to hold the
telescope in place.
4 Slide the dovetail slide bar safety clamp down the front end of the slide bar
until it touches the mounting platform. This clamp is designed to keep the
telescope from sliding off the mount in case the knobs on the side of the
platform comes loose. It is best to wait until the telescope is balanced in
R.A. and DEC before attaching the safety clamp (see "Balancing the
Mount in DEC" later in this section).
Attaching the Optical
Tube to the Mount
Figure 2-8
Optical Tube
Dovetail Slide Bar
Mounting Platform
Mounting Platform
Locking Knobs