Personalize your music choices
with your favorite soundtrack.
Speaker placement is optimized
for the best musical experience.
(Standard on the Infrared and Car-
bon Fiber Series; optional on the
Custom and Outdoor Series).
Wavelength Heaters
(Infrared & Carbon Fiber Series)
Infrared and carbon fiber panels
are located throughout to provide
even heat for each seat.
Steam Heaters
(Custom & Outdoor Series)
Our heaters feature triple wall
construction and stainless steel
covers. Our rocks fill the entire
heater—providing a more intense,
even heat than other saunas.
Our vinyl flooring is highly durable,
comfortable for bare feet and ex-
tremely low-maintenance. It can
be wiped clean with a damp cloth.
Wood flooring is available on the
Custom and Outdoor Series.
Gabled Roof (Outdoor Series)
Cal Heat Outdoor Saunas feature
gabled roofs that are designed
to protect your outdoor sauna
against the outside elements in-
cluding rain and moisture.
Premium Woods
Our premium dry woods are ideal
for absorbing moisture and main-
taining a dry atmosphere that is
perfect for a heat session. In ad-
dition, our woods are fragrance-
free, lightweight yet extremely
durable and hypoallergenic.
Acrylic Doors & Windows
Our saunas feature doors and
windows made of acrylic that are
stylish, lightweight, provide better
visibility and a greater breakage
resistance than glass.
Paneling (Outdoor Series)
Our Outdoor series feature panel-
ing that is formed in overlapping
joints (or shiplaps). This technique
repels precipitation and forms a
tight, thermal-retaining shell.
Double Ventilation
Our saunas are standard-equipped
with double venting for effective air
circulation. One vent allows a flow
of fresh air and oxygen to enter the
sauna while the other vent enables
the release of excess heat.
Double-Wall Full Insulation
Our saunas provide the ultimate in
energy efficiency. Double-walled,
foam-core, full insulation ensures
that each sauna delivers optimal
thermal retention.
Cal Heat Saunas are designed for ease of use and made to last. Built with quality materials and offered at
a price that can’t be beat, these saunas are the best value in heat therapy today.