We are pleased to have you as a Bush Hog cus-
tomer. Your ATH/FTH Series Rotary Cutter has
been carefully designed to give maximum service
with minimum down time.This manual is provided to
give you the necessary operating and maintenance
instructions for keeping your rotary cutter in top
operating condition. Please read this manual thor-
oughly. Understand what each control is for and how
to use it. Observe all safety precautions decaled on
the machine and noted throughout the manual for
safe operation of implement. If any assistance or
additional information is needed, contact your autho-
rized Bush Hog dealer.
The ATH/FTH cutters (Figure 1-1) are intended for
cutting lawns, golf courses, or any maintained area
where a clean, uniform finish is desired.
Parallel uplift blades form a suction during operation
to lift the grass before cutting it. The four caster
wheel arrangement, along with the floating lift link-
age and optional front mounted roller, all work
together to give an even cut and minimize scalping.
Power from the tractor is transmitted through a trian-
gular, telescoping driveline to the 90 degree gear-
box. It is then passed to the spindle housings and
blades by a single, B-section, Kevlar reinforced belt.
Drivetrain protection is provided by belt slippage.
Table 1-1 Specifications
ATH 600 ATH 720
FTH 480 FTH 600 FTH 720
Cutting Width (in.) 48 60 72
Cutting Height (in.) 1 to 6
Horsepower Range 11-30 15-35 20-40
Blade Tip Speed (fpm) 15,613
Weight (lbs.) 494 570 610
560 588
All references made to right, left, top,
bottom, front or rear are as viewed
facing the direction of travel with
implement properly attached to trac-
Figure 1-1 ATH 720