A60/A72 01/08 Assembly Section 3-3
©2008 Alamo Group Inc.
Tailwheel Assembly
To assemble the Mower’s TailWheel, follow the procedures listed below (Figure Asm-0002). Note: Certain
steps may have been performed by the manufacturer before delivery.
1. Place a 1-1/2” flatwasher (3) on the shaft of the
caster fork & wheel assembly (5). Attach
assembly to tailwheel beam (1) by inserting
shaft through the large hole of the tailwheel
beam. The beam must be positioned with its
grease fitting on the opposite end of the
tailwheel. Note: A light coat of grease can be
placed on the shaft for easier installation. After
the shaft is completely inserted, place another
1-1/2” flat washer onto the shaft and retain by
inserting a cotter pin (4) through shaft above
the washer. Spread ends of cotter pin..
2. Slide tailweel positioning bracket (2) onto
tailwheel beam. Position the opposite end of
the tailwheel beam between the set of lugs in
the mid section of the mower deck behind the
gearbox. Align holes of the lugs and tailwheel
beam and retain with a 5/8” x 4” bolt (7) and 5/
8” locknut (6).
3. Place the mid section of the tailwheel beam
between the tailwheel beam support brackets at
the desired cutting height. Note: The rear deck
height is set by raising or lowering the tailwheel
beam. Raise the beam to reduce the height of
cut, lower the beam to increase the height of
cut. Retain the beam in this position by
securing the positioning braket to support
braces with two 1/2” x 1-1/2” bolts (8) and 1/2”
locknuts (9).
4. Tighten all bolts, lockwashers, and nuts to the
recommended torque and grease fitting on end
of tailwheel beam until grease is visible on
either end of shaft.
Front and Rear Deflectors (Standard Equipment) and Chain Guards
(Optional Equipment at Extra Cost)
Front and Rear rubber-fabric Deflectors are Standard Equipment and Front and
Rear Chain Guards are optional . One type of guard must be installed (and
maintained in good repair) except for agricultural purposes only in areas where
persons, vehicles, livestock, or other property will not be endangered by thrown
objects and where such safety equipment would prevent the mower's reasonable
performance of its assigned agricultural task. Assy01-Shielding