Agilent Technologies E8257C PSG Portable Generator User Manual

152 Chapter 7
Custom Real Time I/Q Baseband
Working with Data Patterns
Inverting the Bit Values of an Existing Data Pattern User File
1. Press
This inverts the bit values that are positioned 4C through 4F. Notice that hex data in this row has now
changed to 76DB6DB6, as shown in the following figure.
To Apply Bit Errors to an Existing Data Pattern User File
This example demonstrates how to apply bit errors to an existing data pattern user file. If you have not
created and stored a data pattern user file, first complete the steps in the previous section, “Creating a Data
Pattern User File with the Bit File Editor” on page 149.
1. Press
Apply Bit Errors.
2. Press
Bit Errors > 5 > Enter.
3. Press
Apply Bit Errors.
Notice both
Bit Errors softkeys change value as they are linked.
Using an Externally Supplied Data Pattern
In this procedure, an external real time data pattern is supplied through DATA, DATA CLOCK, and
SYMBOL SYNC connectors.
1. Press
2. Press
Mode > Custom > Real Time I/Q Baseband > Data > Ext.
3. Connect the real-time data to the DATA input.
4. Connect the data clock trigger signal to DATA CLOCK input.
5. Connect the symbol sync trigger to the SYMBOL SYNC input.
Bits 4C through 4F inverted
Hex Data changed