Agilent Technologies E3634A Portable Generator User Manual

Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures
An Example program of Excel 97 for Calibration
If DacErrorCorrection = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
shunt = 0.001 'Change the current shunt value
UserAnswer = MsgBox("Voltage & OVP calibration. Connect the output to the DMM",
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "E3633A Calibration")
If UserAnswer = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveCell.Value = "Begin Voltage Calibration"
StartCalibration VoltageMin, True, shunt 'Set output to minimum voltage cal
ActiveCell.Value = "End Minimum Voltage Calibration"
StartCalibration VoltageMid, True, shunt 'Set output to middle voltage cal
ActiveCell.Value = "End Middle Voltage Calibration"
StartCalibration VoltageMax, True, shunt 'Set output to maximum voltage cal
ActiveCell.Value = "End Maximum Voltage Calibration"
Message = SendSCPI(power, "Syst:Err?")
If InStr(Message, "0") Then
ActiveCell.Value = "Voltage Calibration Complete"
ActiveCell.Value = Message
Exit Sub
End If
OVPandOCPCalibration True
UserAnswer = MsgBox("Connect the Current shunt to the DMM input to measure a current.
Connect the output to the shunt.", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "E3633A Calibration")
If UserAnswer = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveCell.Value = "Begin Current Calibration"
StartCalibration CurrentMin, False, shunt 'Set output to minimum current cal
ActiveCell.Value = "End Minimum Current Calibration"
StartCalibration CurrentMid, False, shunt 'Set output to middle current cal
Continued on next page