Agilent Technologies E3633A Portable Generator User Manual

Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures
An Example program of Excel 97 for Calibration
Private Function DacErrorCorrection() As Boolean
Dim Message As String
SendSCPI power, "Output On" 'Turn on the power supply output
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Dac:Error"
For I = 1 To 27
delay 1
ActiveCell.Value = "Waitting for " & Str$(27 - I) & "secs"
Next I
SendSCPI power, "Output Off" 'Turn off the power supply output
Message = SendSCPI(power, "Syst:Err?")
If InStr(Message, "0") Then
ActiveCell.Value = "DAC DNL Error Correction completed for power supply"
DacErrorCorrection = True
ActiveCell.Value = Message
DacErrorCorrection = False
End If
End Function
Private Function StartCalibration(mode As Integer, bVolt As Boolean, shunt As Single)
Dim DMMdata As Single
SendSCPI power, "Output On" 'Turn on the power supply output
Select Case mode
Case VoltageMin
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Volt:Level Min" 'Set output to minimum cal value
Case VoltageMid
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Volt:Level Mid" 'Set output to middle cal value
Case VoltageMax
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Volt:Level Max" 'Set output to maximum cal value
Case CurrentMin
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Curr:Level Min" 'Set output to minimum cal value
Case CurrentMid
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Curr:Level Mid" 'Set output to middle cal value
Case CurrentMax
SendSCPI power, "Cal:Curr:Level Max" 'Set output to maximum cal value
End Select
delay 4
DMMdata = SendSCPI(DMM, "Meas:Volt:DC?") 'measure output
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