AeroGarden 1-Season Greenhouse Kit User Manual

Tending Your Garden
How To Support Fruiting Plants
Loop a tie around main
stem at a point where it:
a) is strong enough not to
bend or break when tie
is secured, and
b) stands upright when
tie is pulled toward
Lamp Arm.
Tightly loop one end of tie around Lamp Arm. Hold
tie in position with one hand. With other hand, gently
pull opposite end of tie
to bring main stem to an
upright position.
Secure two ends of tie to
each other by twisting.
If you notice other heavy
branches that need
support, secure them to
Lamp Arm as well.
Loosen or untie supports that are around the moving portion
(top) of Lamp Arm before raising Lamp Hood, to avoid damaging
plant stems.
HELPFUL HINT: The best way to figure out where to place tie is to
gently push on main stem with your fingers, testing for strength and
ability to support the plant. Typically, your tie will be no more than 2”
above the base of plant.
Continued on next page