321 Studios Plesk 8 Chipper User Manual

The Administrator Module
4PSA Qmail Manager 1.1.6 for Plesk 8 / Plesk 7.x Reloaded User’s Guide
databytes counts bytes as stored on disk, not as transmitted through the network. It
does not count the qmail-smtpd received value, the qmail-queue received value, or the
If the environment variable DATABYTES is set, it overrides databytes.
doublebouncehost – The double-bounce host. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be
doublebounceto – The name of the user who will receive double-
bounces. Default: postmaster. If a single-bounce notice is permanently
undeliverable, qmail-send will send a double-bounce notice to
If the second notice bounces, qmail-send will give up.
envnoathost – This is the presumed domain name for addresses without
@ signs. Default:
me, if that file is provided by the server administrator.
Otherwise it will be envnoathost. If qmail-send finds an envelope
recipient address without an @ sign, it appends @envnoathost.
helohost – This is the current host name, solely used for saying hello to
the remote SMTP server. Default:
me, if that file is provided by the
server administrator. Otherwise qmail-remote will refuse to run.
idhost – The host name for Message-IDs. Default: me, if that file is
provided by the server administrator. Otherwise it will be idhost. idhost
does not need to be the current hostname. For example, you may prefer
to use fake host names in Message-IDs. However, idhost must be a fully
qualified name within your domain and each host in your domain should
use a different idhost.