I have a chance to buy a Simplicity 12.5 LTH 38" cut with hydrostatic transmission. Guy says it is about 7 or 8 yo. It looks good, sounds good, cuts well, but seems to be really slow, especially in reverse. What are know problems with this model? What is it worth? $400, $600, $800? email at rselhb@yahoo,com 10/04/2009

Asked by RED on 10/03/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 2 months ago

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0 I just got a 99' lth12.5 with a briggs v-twin. Reverse is a bit slow, but with throttle full and hydro shifter on column full its plenty fast in forward. I also changed the tran oil. Bob in Pgh PA
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