Manual Needed in order to correctly calibrate the spreader.

Asked by Mark Anzer on 11/02/2008 8  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 NOT AVAILABLE! As in- the previous page says "Member Contributed Manual" but when you click the link you get NOTHING on this page except a pop-up ad.
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5 Spent an hour going through almost the entire Scotts site trying to find a repair manual for the Scotts Speedy Green 100 spreader. Have endured hundreds of ads, but alas, no Scotts manual. This is disgusting. What's the matter, you come up short on advertising this month?
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5 your site was hard to navigate, full of useless adds and ineffective in finding my manual. One link was a dead end, the other was for a different spreader. Thanks for nothing.
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3 This is a link to the manual
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3 Pray tell, why would a company build a product, and then not issue a manual to repair the product? Hell, with a Ford, or Chevrolet, you can order the factory manual issued to the dealers to work on your own car. Why not Scotts ? Hmmmm?
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1 it is at this website
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0 where's the so called Manual ????
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