Gas/oil ratio for the Murray 2500 weed eater

Asked by Jennifer on 04/19/2015 12  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 8 months ago

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40:1 would b3 3.2oz of oil per gallon of gas
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0 4 OUNCES PER GALLON IS NOT 40:1. Please remove Michelle's answer.  Her ratio info is incorrect. That mixture would be 32:1. More rich in oil, than a 40:1 mixture.  Mick has it correct.    3.2 oz per gallon is correct for a 40:1 mixture.
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-1 40:1 is the ratio. That would be 4 oz of 2 cycle oil to a gallon. I have the same model Murray - love it!
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