I bought a used MTD 42" mower and the model & serial number have been painted over. The deck and drive belts broke within a day of each other. The belts were replaced, but still not working . Someone suggested that it could be the tension on the pulleys needs to be adjusted. How do you adjust the tension

Asked by Sue on 06/22/2009 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 6 months ago

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4 there is no adjustment.the spring on the idler pully tensions belt.mtd recommends you use there belts because there a special shape.i use a hardware store 5/8 belt on mine. as for model number,go to mtd web site and it will give you an explaination of number.heres part of the code- first 2 characters are type followed by 5 characters of unknown,7th character is hood style i think,8th deck style and final 3 characters are which store mower was manufactured for.
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0 part 2- My example-13ak695h352 is riding mower with style 5 hood,46"deck sold by walmart.one of unknown codes has to be for 17hp twin briggs and stratton and another for my 97 model. year can be determined from code number on engine wheres the first two numbers are year.
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0 3rd part- deck styles/codes- h-46"deck g-42" deck
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