I'm trying to find the right way to route the V-belt that controlls the impeller (that throws the snow). Thanks.

Asked by George on 01/05/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 11 months ago

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0 It can only go one way. Remove the four retaining bolts around bottom pulley, put belt around pulley and put back the four bolts. The snowblower is in two parts put them back together. On the top left side as you're facing  front to back on the blower feed the left side of belt between the pin and the pulley so the pulley rides on the back of the belt  now loop the belt over top pulley and turn it with your hand till it pops on. They say to disconnect the spring but I never had to. I could put pictures on here but I don't see how
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