how to replace water inlet valve on Karcher 395M

Asked by david on 07/11/2011 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 It's complicated: 1. remove the handles and cover as per the assembly manual. 2.Then you need a starz type screw "driver" to remove the pump covers. 3. With a hex key wrench of the proper size, carefully remove the metal cover from around the plastic valve assembly, You'll need WD40 or equal and a flat blade screwdriver to work the metal cover free from the plastic valve assembly. 4. Once the metal cover is off, you can lift the plastic valve assembly top off and the old hose connector will be freed up. 5. You can then reassemble with the new hose fitting and 'O' ring in place. 6. The metal cover will hold the fitting in place, being careful to see that the on-off toggle is within the tank pump actuator. 7. Replace the hex head screws. and plastic pump cover. I am a lifelong mechanic and it took me about 4 hours. You can find a You tube video but it is not accurate for the models in question. Sorry no pics, Doug
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5 I recently ran into the same problem getting the metal cover off of the plastic valve assembly. This was the second time I've had to replace the hose inlet (making this a plastic part was dumb). The first time the plastic valve assembly came right out of the metal housing; this time it was stuck tight. Fortunately, a smart neighbor came to my rescue. His solution was simple - put the valve assembly with the metal cover into the freezer for about 20 minutes. Apparently, the plastic contracts more than the metal housing and he said once it was cold, the plastic valve assembly popped right out. After getting the two pieces separated, installing the new hose inlet was easy.
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