while mowing the transmission seems like it starts to slip and pretty soon I am going no where. down hill ok but up hill it just stops. when i let it cool down then it works again. PS any idea on where to buy a repair manual for this thing???

Asked by dan augino on 08/19/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
4 change the transmission drive belt. i did mine this weekend. it looks more difficult than it really is. you have to remove the belt sheild over the transmission drive belt. one 10 mm bolt can be reached just in front of the right rear tire on the frame rail. next disconnect the wire on the clutch, then remove the bracket that holds the clutch in place just above the left fron tire. then remove the belt shield around the front pully.( 2-15 MM bolts) last but not least the steering column gear needs to be removed. from under the mower un bolt the 19mm nut from the bottom of the steering column and then raise the steering wheel enough to get the old belt off and the new one on.
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1 My daughter has a flat tire on here John Deere L120 and doesn't know how to remove the wheel. I'd be grateful for any help. Frank
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0 My L120 John Deere looses momentum after it has been used for a few minutes. Can not find service suggestions on internet.
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