Just bought this tub used not sure the model or much else. looking to see if we can get a manual. There was a sticker on the inside by the control panel. name of tub is listed as z140/340 mfg #9909-02 ser #Q47162 and mod#H850000 any help would be helpful. thanks, Laurie

Asked by kevinc70 on 12/26/2007 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 12 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Do you have a pic of this tub it might be like the one i have and it is called the Santina. I have all the manuals and parts listing for it if this is like yours
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0 Hello, did your manuals match this Spa? I have the same situation and need a copy of the manual. Thanks, Mike
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0 I need a copy of this manual as well, 553MOD#H850000,Name Z140-340, MFG 9909-04, SER#Q53354
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0 I have this same model. It is an Essence & Echo Model Z140. The manual can be found on the jacuzzi download page.
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