need to install a throttel-trigger control on a husqvarna trimmer 323

Asked by Jean-guy on 05/24/2014 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Choke control – refittingFirst reattach the choke control to the air filter, thenpress it onto the carburettor so that the clips engage.Then refit:• stop switch• carburettor into its rubber mountings• throttle pushrod into the fuel tank and connect tothrottle lever.• lift the spring arm over the throttle pushrod• fuel hose to the carburettor• air filter and cylinder coverThrottle lock, throttle trigger and returnspring – removal1Remove the throttle lock by pressing it to the left(A) and carefully levering it up with a screwdriveron the clutch side (B) of the saw to disengage thelugs on either side of the throttle lock from the fueltank. When both lugs are clear of the tank, pull thelock backwards (C).2ADrive out the steel pin using a 2.5 mm/0.1" diam-eter drift (A). Push it out from the flywheel side ofthe saw. Remove the throttle trigger by first press-ing it towards the clutch side of the saw (B) until itclicks, then towards the flywheel side until it clicksagain. Remove it from the tank and lift out thereturn spring.BACBCCleaning and inspection• Clean and inspect all parts carefully. If there areany cracks or other defects replace the damagedparts with new ones. Always use original parts.• Lubricate the throttle lock with oil.• Check that the spring is not broken and has notlost its tension.Throttle lock, throttle trigger and returnspring – refitting1ARefit the return spring to the throttle trigger asshown. Make sure the spring is correctly positionedby engaging one end in the slot in the throttletrigger (A).2First insert the rear edge of the throttle trigger intothe tank. Then push/clip the front edge into the twoclips on the tank with the aid of a combination tool,for example. Drive in the steel pin from the clutchside. Use a 2.5 mm/0.1" diameter drift.3Then press down the return spring while pressingthe throttle lock forwards/upwards into the retainingclip in the fuel tank until you hear a click. Releasethe return spring in the throttle lock, then press thelock down onto the tank.4Check the operation of the throttle lock by trying topress the throttle trigger without pressing down thethrottle lock. Also check that the throttle lock andthrottle trigger return freely to their original posi-tions when released.17English –
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0 need servicing manual to instal a trigger spring or a the whole throttle control. THANK YOU
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