I was cleaning my chain saw and want to know how to put the chain brake ring over the clutch so I can put the saw back in operation. Do I have to take apart the handle assemble to do it.

Asked by Robert on 06/02/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 6 months ago

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5 Did some more investigation and the brake handle was in the "brake" position so I pulled the handle back to the open position and placed the cover over the clutch. Answered my own question but just in case someone else will do or did the same thing. cheers
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5 Remeber pulling it off & it was tight? Most likely the brake was engaged & now needs resetting. Unless you're truly good at this- take it to ANY shop who can do it for a couiple of bucks. The brake handle should be easily wiggled back & forth when it's OFF.
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