I just purchased a used homelite hg6000 generator, but its missing some sort of hose that connects to some sort of vacuum but I am not sure. Does anyone have a photo or diagram of the left side of the generator. The side opposite the engine switch, receptacles, etc. i'm getting ready for ike, thanks steve

Asked by steve on 09/10/2008 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

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0 I just bought a new one at Home Depot in sealed box and it also appeared to be missing that hose, but it may be an overflow of some kind. Having used it a week without power from Ike I think I got a lemon or they are not worth a darn. I checked everything but it still would die every two hours or so, with full tank of clean gas and plenty of oil, not too much load. No reply to my complaint from manufacturer as of yet.
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0 PS I normally got 4 hours on a full tank using about 85% load, not the 9 hours at full load promised on the box.
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0 Yhe house gpes to a vacume diaphram that controls the govner Mine was cut off so i just added it back and it runs better under load.
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0 Mine also would die after running. What i found was that the MFG would test run the systems before shipping and would leave some fuel in the carb which would go bad and gum up the carb making it hard to start and would die. Under the carb bowl there is a electrical needle that controls the fuel into the jet inside the carb. Mine would stick and would not restart. I would take a screwdriver and tap, not to hard, on the bottom of the carb bowl and then it would start right up and run fine. But I had to pull the carb off and total clean it which total fixed the problem. The carb is very easy to work on and has only 2 studs holding it on. After I got the carb off I cleaned it with some carb cleaner and used a neddle to clean all the small holes and used air pressure to blow that was stuck in the fuel jet. Let me tell you, after doing this the gen ran like a champ and even ran better than when I got it. It was getting 12 hrs run time under 80% load..
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