I need a new bag for my GMC BV 2400 blower vac - is there an agent in NZ or Australia? Regards, Gill West, Email | gillwest@xtra.co.nz

Asked by Gill on 12/26/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 1 month ago

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5 The GMC Blowervac has morphed into the 909 range model BLV2400 now being sold at Masters. Success !!! Contact 909 Customer Service for their replacement BLV2400 bag is $9.95 + $9 P&H (possibly a little more now for postage) and can be ordered by calling 1800 909 909 Customer Service line to speak to Sarah. Currently there are 2 models which 909 make, of which my GMC matched the BLV2400 as it has a plastic frame at the top of the bag which attaches to the blower. If not sure look up a picture of each model on line at 909.com range of blowervacs (either a BLV2400 or BL2400). My bags (bought 2) arrived today very promptly.The new bag have a stronger metal zipper not a plastic zipper. Thanks to the man in Bunnings Narre Warren who quietly explained the change from GMC to 909, I now can use my trusty GMC blower propertly again after approx 2 years without a bag! The GMC blower vac has never been the issue just the zipper on the bag.
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