I have a Z Ferris IS 3000 Extreme with slightly over 50 hours on it. Can I download a manual? 50 hours, but I cannot keep it running. [Yes, each gas tank almost is full! I have added alcohol to each tank in case the problem is water.] If I use starter fluid and keep another person squirting it into the air cleaner, it runs. So, clearly, I am not getting gas through it. I believe that I need to download a manual so that I can find the routing of the gas into the carburetor--and in fact find the carburetor!! [I don't see this as a warranty problem; and I bought the unit, new, from the NET, and have no dealer-ready access.]

Asked by Roy Sampley on 09/07/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 need owers manual
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0 follow the fuel line to the fuel pump it will probly be on the left side cylnder small round looking pump will have three rubber lines two for gas one in and one out the other will run to valve cover as it works off engine compression check this line and make sure that it is clamped on both ends mine was missing a clamp on motor end and after hose got warm it would get loose and fuel pump would not pump properly
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