manual for Craftsman 6/25, model # C 459 52254

Asked by Tracy on 01/15/2012 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
1 Just go to and they will help you find the parts you need. You can even send them an email at They are a Canadian company and ship to the US
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1 I have the same model number.. did you have any luck?
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0 For anybody stumbling upon this in the current year, MTD Canada (1-800-668-1238) parts department was able to track down and send via email the parts manual. Seems to be correct for the unusual/rare 52254 model. If I find a way to upload it to this site I will, since this is the first result on Google when using this model number.
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0 For anybody stumbling upon this in the current year, MTD Canada (1-800-668-1238) parts department was able to track down and send via email the parts manual. Seems to be correct for the unusual/rare 52254 model. If I find a way to upload it to this site I will, since this is the first result on Google when using this model number.
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