I have a craftsman Model #944.600041. It won't start with the key, but it will start if the key is in the on position and I jump the starter with cables directly from the battery to the starter. Would it be the clutch safety switch? How would I test it?

Asked by Tommy on 05/17/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 There should be a starter relay usually near the starter. Follow the battery cable from the starter to the battery and see if there is one. If so you can jump the two heavy cable connections to see if it will start from there. If it does, find the small wire on the starer relay. There shoud be 12vdc from the key switch. When you turn the switch to start the motor 12volts is applied to that terminal, only when cranking. Use a test light or volt meter to check this. If there is voltage when cranking and it doesnt crank the motor then the starer rely is shot. If no voltage then there is someting wrong at or from the key to the relay. You can proove this further by running a jumper wire from the battery to the small terminal on the relay. If it cranks then the problem is between the key switch and the relay. If it doesnt crank then the relaty is shot.
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