anyone that could help me with the configuration of the belts? I would really appreaciate any info

Asked by brian on 05/21/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 This is a Montgomery Wards tiller, not a Briggs and Stratton. I found this manual. M-W Rotary Tiller Manual.pdf
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0 A file was uploaded I found this manual. M-W GIL-39012B Rotary Tiller Manual.pdf
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0 Thank you very much for the manual! I had been weeding around in the B&S website for awhile with no luck and your site/membership was extremely helpful! My wife bought me this 5HP old tiller for $100 and now I'll know how to maintain/service it.
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0 I've seen alot of the tiller brands, but i have ah kipor kdt 610c. I bought it used and didn't get the manual. I would really appreciate if someone has it would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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