my lawn mower hitted a big rock and my blade got twisted. After that it doesn't start, thogh I change the blade for a new one. Sears told me that I have to change a small part (by the way, I don't know to say it in english, but in PR we call it "cuña"). I was trying to figure out were exactly goes. If you can help me with any engine diagram I'll appreciate a lot. See Product picture below, I took a shoot of it.

Asked by Emanuel Ramos on 06/26/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 6 months ago

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5 Replace the aluminum key stock in the flywheel. When u hit something with the blade it'll sheer this piece. Take the sheetmetal off the top, remove the nut holding flywheel on, look down between flywheel/crankshaft, and you'll c a real small vertical slot in these 2 pieces. Key stock fits in there. Pop flywheel off however u can, remove the sheered key, replace flywheel, insert new key stock, reverse the removal of everything, then start it up.
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