I Have an Older ariens snowblower and it a two stage. My problem is the auger turns but the impeller does not and it just stopped im thinking its a sheer pin but i really dont know much about these older snowblowers and want to know if this is an easy fix or not

Asked by Robert on 12/21/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Did you solve this problem yet? The roll pin size is 1/4 by 1 1/2 inch. Is there an easy way to get at it? I'm thinking removing the shute might be the best way but wanted to get advice first before attempting the repair. Please advise. AEROMARINE4CJR@AOL.COM Thanks! Charlie
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5 The problem was the two roll pins that hold the impeller to the shaft. I got replacments, two standard 1/4 by 1 1/2 inch steel tensioners (roll pins). I also got a 20 inch section of 3/16 inch steel round stock to use as a punch. The chute to was removed from the machine by taking of the 6 nuts on the ring. WD-40 and PB blaster was applied to the old roll pin ends and allowed to soak over night. Pliers were then used to pull the ends of the broken roll pins off and then the 3/16 inch punch to drive through the broken off pieces inside the shaft. A good trick that help install the new roll pins was to use the 1/16 stock to alignthe impeller and shaft through one hole. Also, using the a 1/4 socket extension piece to "hold" the roll pin in order to start it in the hole. A short piece of 1/2 inch round stock was then used to drive the new roll pin in to the proper depth. All in all a really pain in the "A" job to do in an unheated Massachusetts garage with the temperature hovering around 6 degress Farehheit. Good luck if you have to do it!
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0 Im also interested in this. same boat
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