November 9, 2005
Park Excellent Stiga
A ride-on lawnmower with front-mounted deck and genuine artic-
ulated steering.
The front mounted deck lets you see what you are cutting and the
genuine articulated steering offers unsurpassed manoeuvrability.
The cutting decks with the Multiclip system cuts and fertilises at
the same time. You don´t need to rake or empty a collector.
Features are for example; variable speed (hydrostatic) regulated
with a foot pedal, foot-controlled attachment lift, adjustable com-
fort-seat and steering wheel, hour meter for simplified mainte-
nance, headlight. The decks have different cutting widths.
The machine is an good implement-carrier. You can for example
easily change from a cutting deck, sweeper or edge cutter to a
snow blade or snow thrower. The list of implements is a long one.
Equipped with an environment friendly and quiet engine.