" We usually receive several truckloads of
inventory every morning. The lightweight
4420 with triggered handle provides my
operators with an ideal product for scan
intensive inventory functions, especially
when used at high volume."
— Warehouse Manager, PSC Warehouse Customer
The lightweight form factor ts comfortably in the user's hand and
reduces fatigue during long duration usage.
Rugged design survives multiple 5 ft / 1.5 M drops to concrete.
Select from Standard, Long Range, and Advanced Long Range Laser,
Linear Imager and 2D Imager scan engines
Select from 26-Key Standard Alphanumeric; 48-Key Full Alphanumeric
and 5250 support; 52-Key Full Alphanumeric and 5250 support
and Windows
CE provide easy-to-use
graphical user interfaces and a host of powerful computing technologies.
Intel XScale Microprocessor and 802.11b/g radios deliver superior mobile
computing performance.
The 3.5" QVGA 64K Color Active Matrix Display provides superior low-light
and outdoor visibility while maximizing data displayed, yielding higher
The loudest beeper available for audio feedback in noisy industrial
Powered Vehicle Mount Dock
Single-Slot and Four-Slot Dock
Four-Slot Battery Charger
Optional Handstrap Conversion Kit
USB Data Cable
Serial Charging Cable
Serial Printer Adapter
Stylus Tether
Extended Warranty
Service Options
4410 Mobile Computer
4220 PDA
5500 Hybrid Computer
At A Glance
Based Mobile Computer
R40-0085-US E 0506
Copyright © PSC Inc. 2005-2006. All rights reserved. • Protected to the fullest extent under U.S. and international laws. Copying, or
altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from PSC. • PSC Inc. of Eugene, Oregon, USA is ISO registered by
NQA. • PSC, the PSC logo, and Falcon are registered trademarks of PSC Inc. • All other brand and product names are trademarks of their
respective owners. • Additional information concerning this product or other PSC products and services can be found at the PSC web
site: www.psc.com. • Product specications are subject to change without notice.
The Falcon 4400 Series has tested compatible with Cisco’s wireless solution. The Cisco Compatible logo signies that PSC’s product has undergone
interoperability testing by PSC together with Cisco and a third-party test house based on testing criteria set by Cisco. PSC is solely responsible for
the support and warranty of its product. Cisco makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to PSC’s product or its interoperation with the
listed Cisco product(s) and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, tness for a particular use or against infringement.
959 Terry Street
Eugene OR 97402-9150 USA
Tel: 800 695 5700 or 541 683 5700
Fax: 541 345 7140