Panasonic °
OlmlTU. AUDIO This manualwasprinted withsoy based ink
PanasonicConsumer ElectronicsCompany,
Division ofMatsushitaElectric Corporation ofAmerica
OnePanasonieWaySecaucus, New Jersey07094 http://wvvw.panasonic.com
PanasonicSales Company,
Division ofMatsushitaElectric ofPuerto Rico,Inc. ("PSC")
Ave.65 de Infantena,Kin. 9.5SanGabrielIndustrial Park,Carolina,PuertoRico00985
The model number andserial number of
this product can befound on either the
back or the bottom of the unit.
Pleasenote them in the spaceprovided
below and keepfor future reference.
Thank you for purchasing this product,
Beforeconnecting, operating or adjusting
this product, pleaseread theseinstructions
completely, Pleasesavethis manual for
future reference.
PanasonicCanada Inc.
5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 www.panasonic.ca
C 2003 Matsushita Electric Industrial CO.,Ltd.
Printed in Japan
Before requesting service, makethe beiow checks, if you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indicatedin the chart do not solvethe proNem:
In the U.S.A., contact the PanasonicCustomerCell Centerat 1-800-211-7262, or e-mail consumerproducts@panasonic.com,or web site (http://www.panasonic.com).
In Canada, contactPanasonic CanadaInc. CustomerCare Centreat 905-624-5505, web site (www.panasonic.ca), oran authorized Servicentre close toyou.
• The HOLD function is on (_#page4).
• The disc isn't correctly set.
• The disc is scratched or dirty.(Tracks skipped)
• There is moisture on the lens. Wait for about anhour and
then try again.
:clean it with a b_ower (recommended
product: sZZPlO3ac), if the lensgets marked with
fingerprints, gently wipe them off with acotton swab.
• The unit may not read WMA/MP3 correctly if it is shaken
whileit is reading the files
• You may not be able to play WMA/MP3 if you have copied a
multi-sesslon disc that hasnodata between sessions
_•You may not he able to play a WMA disc if it contains large
flies, such as JPEG.
• You cannot play a WMA disc if the copy protectiorl setting
was onwhen you made the disc
• Ensure the plugs are inserted firmly
• Wipe the plugs clean with a cleancloth
• Noise may occur when playing WMA/MP3 ifrecordia9quality
ears and sound is interrupted
if bumps continue repeatedly.
• Separate this unit from mobile teIephones
• This doesn't work if you changediscs.
• This doesn't work during random play
• It maynot work correctly under some conditions
• Random play modes may beon (,_>pege6).
k •Play resumes from the track where you last stopped play Use
skip to return to the first track.
Disconnect then reconnect all power sources (batteries andAC
during play
*You aren't using the special rechargeaNe batteries (,'_pe9e 5)
I,•You must insert two batteries before youcan recharge them.
• The unit must he off before you can recharge.
)This is normal
The batteries may have reachedthe end of their service life
can berecharged 300 times.
• This mayoccur after the first time you recharge the batteries
should he restored after a few recharges
go flat if you leave the AC adaptor
connected after recharging is complete.
• The indicator doesnot appear whenthe ACadaptoris connected
*The indicator does not appear correctly under someother
D,-The HOLDfunction is on (_t;page4).
• You haven't inserted a disc or it isn't insertedcorrectly
:this unit cannot play
disc. ">" also _ WMA!MP3 files