Various seeding rates can be obtained by turning the
dual sprocket over. The easy drive system assures a
consistent flow of seed. The rear roller is spring loaded
to stay in constant contact with the ground. The steel
“bumper” protects the drive system against impacts.
(Cover removed for photo.)
• Cat. 1 Hitch,
Quick-Hitch adaptable
• Lower hitch-clevises for easy hook-up
• 72” Seeding width
• #40 Chain with spring loaded idler
• Powder metal flutes in the seed cups
help dissipate heat
• Tire track removers for consistent seed
emergence across entire width
• Heavy-duty lid with seed splash guard
• Ground driven metering for constant seeding
• Water tight seedbox with agitator to
eliminate seed bridging
• Wind guarded seed drop keeps seeds
falling at same rate to the ground
• Lift hooks for easy loading - just right
to take from site to site
“Precision seeding” is accomplished using
proven fluted metering cups. Each flute
grabs just the right amount of seed for even
distribution. Millions of cups are in use for a
variety of crops around the world.
Precise metering
and seed-to-soil contact.
Cat. I — 6’
All welded box with seed
splash guard and paddle
style agitator.
The rear roller is spring loaded
to keep in constant contact with
the ground, promoting healthy
“seed-to-soil” contact.