©Eastman Kodak Company, 2002
Kodak’s health, safety,
and environmental
publications are available
to help you manage your
photographic processing
operations in a safe,
environmentally sound
and cost-effective manner
This publication is a part
of a series of publications
on health and safety
issues affecting photographic
processing facilities.
It will help you understand
the role and proper use of
ventilation systems in the
J-314(ENG) $10.00
Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in
Photographic Processing Facilities
The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA)
presents a framework of federal
regulations that set chemical
exposure standards for the
workplace environment. These
standards outline allowable limits
that employees may be safely
exposed to during the work day.
Effective ventilation systems are an
important tool that will help
minimize employee exposure to
photographic processing
chemicals. While photographic
processing facilities are typically
considered to be a low hazard
workplace, indoor air quality
environment can be improved if
well engineered ventilation
systems are installed.
This publication will provide
information on the following
• Indoor air quality
• Exposure concepts
• Air contaminants
• Exposure standards and
• Methods of evaluation
• Ventilation and work practice
control measures
This publication is meant to assist others with their compliance programs. However, this is
not a comprehensive treatment of the issues. We cannot identify all possible situations and
ultimately it is the reader’s obligation to decide on the appropriateness of this information to
his/her operation.